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Programming - From Zero to One

For more information contact us 25% off until Nov 25.

200 euro

Service Description

Session 1: Java Basics Introduction to Java, setup, writing "Hello, World!", understanding variables, data types, and taking user input. Session 2: Control Flow & Data Handling Conditional and looping constructs, arrays, strings, building a calculator, and a number guessing game. Session 3: OOP - Classes & Encapsulation Introduction to classes and objects, constructors, 'this' keyword, encapsulation with getters and setters. Session 4: Inheritance & Polymorphism Implementing inheritance, method overriding, understanding polymorphism, and abstract classes. Session 5: Interfaces & Exception Handling Working with interfaces, package organization, try-catch blocks, and creating custom exceptions. Session 6: Collections Framework Lists, sets, and maps implementations, iterators, and practical exercises with collections. Session 7: Advanced Data Structures Stacks, queues using LinkedList, introduction to trees, and basic binary search tree operations. Session 8: Algorithms Sorting (bubble, selection, insertion) and searching (linear, binary) algorithms. Session 9: Final Project Workshop Application of concepts to a cumulative project with guidance from the instructor. Session 10: Project Presentation & Recap Final project presentations, course review, and discussion on continued learning resources. Each session combines theoretical concepts with practical exercises to solidify understanding, with a culminating project that ties together all learned skills.

Contact Details


Kokermolenpad, 43

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